There are a lot of nightmare scenarios
no one wants to personally experience. One is getting a phone call that
someone you love is hurt and another — permanently ending up in a
wheelchair. Many people say they’d rather be dead if this happened to
them, but oh how things change when you actually find yourself in this

put people don’t want to die, so they deal with it and move on, but
it’s never that easy. And for some even, they’re never able to, so
forever languishing in a living hell.
truly see how it is possible to move on after becoming a
wheelchair-user and be enlightened, read on for seven awesome insights.
Accept that you must reinvent yourself.
One of the first things to know when you become a wheelchair-user is that you are no longer who you were before. If your body is different after going through such a dramatic injury. A lot of people fight against this, wanting to hold onto their previous able-bodied self, but the fact is they will never be that person again.
One of the first things to know when you become a wheelchair-user is that you are no longer who you were before. If your body is different after going through such a dramatic injury. A lot of people fight against this, wanting to hold onto their previous able-bodied self, but the fact is they will never be that person again.
of desperately holding onto someone you once were, embrace this as an
opportunity to reinvent yourself. If you no longer do tree work, get
that engineering degree you always wanted and finally feed that part of
your brain from here on out. A serious bodily injury can really open
new doors.
Find out how to still use your body as much as possible.
It can be so difficult no
longer being able to use your body like before, but don’t give up on
moving your body just because you can’t use it 100 percent. Instead,
push yourself as much as possible. If you can’t move your legs, you can
try electrical stimulation to the legs. If you can’t transfer yourself
but you get really close, try for years until you finally get it.
Never give up on your body’s strength and pushing it (safely of course).
Even if you move your body involuntarily, knowing you’re still
utilizing all four limbs in some way is a must for the soul long-term.
should also be working out on a regular basis. Serious cardio and
strength training is a must when you use a wheelchair since getting your
heart rate can be a great way to boost endorphins in the brain. When
you’re not getting the cardio you would otherwise get from regular
able-bodied activities, like walking all the time, you must find another
way to get it. It’s a huge must.
Develop a negative thinking coping mechanism.
It can be almost too easy
getting into a negative train of thought when things aren’t going well
as a wheelchair-user. The tendency to blame the wheelchair for all of
your problems is almost too easy. Whenever you find yourself angry
because you need a wheelchair, try to click your mind into a positive
place; a place you’ve created just for this. Maybe it’s a happy memory
or a place you absolutely love.
Take on the “survivor success” mentality.
I love this one. Never forget
that you are a survivor for living life sitting-down. This is an
existence that challenges a human both mentally and physically.
Whenever you feel empty inside because you can’t use your god-given
legs, remind yourself that you are a survivor in the exact sense, and
let that feed your ego if you must. Not many people can do what you do
and do it so well. Yes, you do rock.
Learn to love yourself.
It can be easy being jealous of everyone that can walk when you
can’t, but if you learn to love yourself completely, you’ll be a lot
you have a hard time finding things you absolutely love about yourself,
make a list and ask friends and family their input. You’ll be
surprised at what you hear and chances are it will make you feel
Appreciate your unique perspective.
can take several years to get to the mindset of enjoying the
interesting perspective of living life sitting down — the people we
meet, the lessons we’ve learned through our struggles, the way it helps
us look at life differently, perhaps even better. When you have a body
that doesn’t respond like it once did, you have no choice but to look at
the world differently. This without question, sharpens the mind.
Be grateful for what you still have.
Each moment you’re able to
breathe is a gift whether you believe it or not, and when you use a
wheelchair this is even more true since so many of us have had near
death experiences. It may sound cliche, but yes, do count your
is too short to wish for unicorns and golden tickets in chocolate bars.
The here and the now is all we got. Enjoy your ice cream before it
How have you been able to move on after becoming a wheelchair-user?
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